Environment is the Schema for the Environments API
apiVersion: mwaa.aws.crossplane.io/v1alpha1
kind: Environment
EnvironmentSpec defines the desired state of Environment
EnvironmentParameters defines the desired state of Environment
ExecutionRoleARNRef is a reference to the ExecutionRoleARN used to set. the SubnetIDs.
Policies for referencing.
ExecutionRoleARNSelector selects the reference to the ExecutionRoleARN.
Policies for selection.
KMSKeyRef is a reference to the KMSKey used to set. the SubnetIDs.
Policies for referencing.
KMSKeySelector selects the reference to the KMSKey.
Policies for selection.
Defines the Apache Airflow logs to send to CloudWatch Logs.
The VPC networking components used to secure and enable network traffic between the AWS resources for your environment. To learn more, see About networking on Amazon MWAA (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mwaa/latest/userguide/networking-about.html).
SecurityGroupIDRefs is a list of references to SecurityGroups used to set the SecurityGroupIDs.
Policies for referencing.
SecurityGroupIDsSelector selects references to SecurityGroupID used to set the SecurityGroupIDs.
Policies for selection.
SecurityGroupIDs is the list of IDs for the SecurityGroups.
SubnetIDRefs is a list of references to Subnets used to set the SubnetIDs.
Policies for referencing.
SubnetIDsSelector selects references to Subnets used to set the SubnetIDs.
Policies for selection.
SecurityGroupIDs is the list of IDs for the SecurityGroups.
SourceBucketARNRef is a reference to the SourceBucketARN used to set. the SubnetIDs.
Policies for referencing.
SourceBucketARNSelector selects the reference to the SourceBucketARN.
Policies for selection.
ProviderConfigReference specifies how the provider that will be used to create, observe, update, and delete this managed resource should be configured.
Policies for referencing.
ProviderReference specifies the provider that will be used to create, observe, update, and delete this managed resource. Deprecated: Please use ProviderConfigReference, i.e. providerConfigRef
Policies for referencing.
PublishConnectionDetailsTo specifies the connection secret config which contains a name, metadata and a reference to secret store config to which any connection details for this managed resource should be written. Connection details frequently include the endpoint, username, and password required to connect to the managed resource.
WriteConnectionSecretToReference specifies the namespace and name of a Secret to which any connection details for this managed resource should be written. Connection details frequently include the endpoint, username, and password required to connect to the managed resource. This field is planned to be replaced in a future release in favor of PublishConnectionDetailsTo. Currently, both could be set independently and connection details would be published to both without affecting each other.
EnvironmentStatus defines the observed state of Environment.
EnvironmentObservation defines the observed state of Environment
The status of the last update on the environment.
Describes the error(s) encountered with the last update of the environment.
Conditions of the resource.
apiVersion: mwaa.aws.crossplane.io/v1alpha1
kind: Environment
name: sample-environment
dagS3Path: dags
environmentClass: mw1.small
name: sample-environment-role
name: dev-key
enabled: true
logLevel: INFO
enabled: true
logLevel: INFO
enabled: true
logLevel: INFO
enabled: true
logLevel: INFO
enabled: true
logLevel: INFO
- name: sample-environment-sg
- name: sample-subnet-1
- name: sample-subnet-2
region: us-east-1
name: sample-environment-bucket-123
webserverAccessMode: PRIVATE_ONLY
name: example