FlowLog is the Schema for the FlowLogs API
apiVersion: ec2.aws.crossplane.io/v1alpha1
kind: FlowLog
FlowLogSpec defines the desired state of FlowLog
FlowLogParameters defines the desired state of FlowLog
CloudWatchLogDestinationRef is a reference to a CloudWatch Log Group used to set the CloudWatchLogDestination.
Policies for referencing.
CloudWatchLogDestinationSelector selects a reference to a CloudWatch Log Group used to set the CloudWatchLogDestination.
Policies for selection.
DeliverLogsPermissionARNRef is a reference to DeliverLogsPermissionARN used to set the DeliverLogsPermissionARN.
Policies for referencing.
DeliverLogsPermissionARNelector selects a reference to DeliverLogsPermissionARN used to set the DeliverLogsPermissionARN.
Policies for selection.
The destination options.
The ID of the subnet, network interface, or VPC for which you want to create a flow log.
Constraints: Maximum of 1000 resources
S3BucketLogDestinationRef is a reference to a S3 Bucket to set the S3BucketLogDestination.
Policies for referencing.
S3BucketLogDestinationSelector selects a reference to a S3 Bucket used to set the S3BucketLogDestination.
Policies for selection.
SubnetIDRefs is a referenc to a SubnetID used to set the SubnetID.
Policies for referencing.
SubnetIDSelector selects reference to a SubnetID used to set the SubnetID.
Policies for selection.
TransitGatewayAttachmentIDRef is a reference to an API used to set the TransitGatewayAttachmentID.
Policies for referencing.
TransitGatewayAttachmentIDSelector selects references to API used to set the TransitGatewayAttachmentID.
Policies for selection.
TransitGatewayIDRef is a reference to an API used to set the TransitGatewayID.
Policies for referencing.
TransitGatewayIDSelector selects references to API used to set the TransitGatewayID.
Policies for selection.
VPCIDRef is a reference to an API used to set the VPCID.
Policies for referencing.
VPCIDSelector selects references to API used to set the VPCID.
Policies for selection.
THIS IS A BETA FIELD. It is on by default but can be opted out through a Crossplane feature flag. ManagementPolicies specify the array of actions Crossplane is allowed to take on the managed and external resources. This field is planned to replace the DeletionPolicy field in a future release. Currently, both could be set independently and non-default values would be honored if the feature flag is enabled. If both are custom, the DeletionPolicy field will be ignored. See the design doc for more information: https://github.com/crossplane/crossplane/blob/499895a25d1a1a0ba1604944ef98ac7a1a71f197/design/design-doc-observe-only-resources.md?plain=1#L223 and this one: https://github.com/crossplane/crossplane/blob/444267e84783136daa93568b364a5f01228cacbe/design/one-pager-ignore-changes.md
ProviderConfigReference specifies how the provider that will be used to create, observe, update, and delete this managed resource should be configured.
Policies for referencing.
PublishConnectionDetailsTo specifies the connection secret config which contains a name, metadata and a reference to secret store config to which any connection details for this managed resource should be written. Connection details frequently include the endpoint, username, and password required to connect to the managed resource.
WriteConnectionSecretToReference specifies the namespace and name of a Secret to which any connection details for this managed resource should be written. Connection details frequently include the endpoint, username, and password required to connect to the managed resource. This field is planned to be replaced in a future release in favor of PublishConnectionDetailsTo. Currently, both could be set independently and connection details would be published to both without affecting each other.
FlowLogStatus defines the observed state of FlowLog.
FlowLogObservation defines the observed state of FlowLog
Conditions of the resource.
apiVersion: ec2.aws.crossplane.io/v1alpha1
kind: FlowLog
name: flowlog-example-cloud-watch
name: sample-loggroup
name: flowlogs-role
region: us-east-1
- key: Name
value: example
trafficType: ALL
vpcId: vpc-0123456789
name: example
apiVersion: ec2.aws.crossplane.io/v1alpha1
kind: FlowLog
name: flowlog-example-s3
fileFormat: parquet
perHourPartition: true
logDestinationType: s3
region: us-east-1
s3BucketLogDestination: arn:aws:s3:::ctest-bucket
s3BucketSubfolder: test/test2
- key: Name
value: example
trafficType: ALL
vpcId: vpc-0123456789
name: example
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